Sunday, November 20, 2011


They always say- life is a rollercoaster.  Up's and downs throughout the years.  I hit a pretty big down this year and that took me back a step.  But what brings you down in life, can only make you stronger.  You only hope for there to be more ups in the future.  (and there will be)
2011 has been my most successful year to date as a photographer.
2012 is looking great!  I think I might have to start paying taxes now.  BOOOOOOOOO!
AND......year's not over yet!

Here's some recent and older photos from the last couple months.  Cheers.
Max and Ang
Roaches Need Drip too.

The Sleeping Sea King  Calico, CA
Cuz, D, AJ'h
Wifey!  gorgeous.
The Sleeping Sea King - Promo

Rod & Joy - 2nd shooter with Sarah Kaupp Photography
Rod & Joy - 2nd shooter w/ Sarah Kaupp Photography
The Debonaires 2003
Max & Angelique

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